Please feel free to contact us at:

At the meeting on July 18, 2008, the group voted to utilize a new email contact (suggested by Melinda, thank you Melinda). We will be using Google groups.

If you did not get the invitation, or you have any questions, please contact me at my email address:

OR you can go to the email website at:
You can create a Google name and edit your preferences there such as digest version or no-mail.

Once you have joined, you can send a message to the entire group at this address:

The Google email group has a place for discussions on the website:
I have started a discussion page and you continue the discussion there or on the blog or both.

In addition, the blog has been updated and we voted to utilize the blog (here) as well for our web presence. The blog address is:

Any suggestions for either contact medium are welcomed, but if it is something I can handle, please contact me personally. If it is something we need to vote on as a group, we can send it out to the entire group by either method.

Please don’t hesitate to call on me if I can be of assistance to you.

Vickilynn Haycraft

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