In the meeting on July 18th, two sub-groups were formed for the purpose of fact-finding and reporting back to the BISCR group. Please feel free to post your comments on these discussions.


Methods to get the word out to the community (some of whom are not connected to the Internet).



Transition Network (transitiontowns.org)

Relocalization Network (relocalize.net)

Community Solutions (communitysolution.org)


  1. A copy of the book: THE TRANSITION HANDBOOK: FROM OIL DEPENDENCY TO LOCAL RESILIENCE, by Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition movement, has been added to the collection at the Big Ivy Community Lending Library and is now available for loan.
    Library summer hours are: Tues. 10-1pm, and Sat. 11-12n. If you have not yet used the library, stop by and fill out an index card with your name, address, phone, and/or email, and you are all set. We are not affiliated with the county system, but they smile on us, and we are growing. We need patronage and duty hours volunteers. Contact me by email, if you are interested in helping out. To use the library, just stop by the big building at the Community Center, 540 Dillingham Rd. Look for the blue library sign when we’re open.

  2. Report on 8/21/08 Meeting by Susan B.

    There were nearly 20 people present at our meeting at the Old Fire Station (thank you, as always, Kate and Bob!)

    We began by reading the Statement of Purpose that was adopted at our second meeting.

    Melinda Stuart reported on the group that met to discuss three community networks we wanted to know more about. She said that the group had agreed that two of them were of particular interest: Transition Towns and Relocalization Network. However, we had agreed that we did not need TO join either at this juncture. We can take advantage of the many resources and options they offer without being members. The more important step seemed to us to be one of forming a steering committee and beginning to plan some community outreach programs. Another important step is to select a practical high visibility project we can carry out to gain credibility. We will be forming working groups in the process. Once they are set up, each will have a representative on the steering committee and the original steering committee will disband. (This is basically the procedure suggested by Transition Towns.)

    Zev Friedman reported on Transition Towns; Susan Broadhead (me) on Relocalization Network. You had to be there to hear them, but information about how both work may be seen on their websites.

    At the beginning of her report, Melinda also mentioned that we do not have a lot of people signed up on the google email service yet. She suggested that we monitor this and make changes if necessary. (MAIN has a Sustainability section which offers local information and resources. It’s another reason for considering using their service, if one of our members who is on MAIN would do it.) In the meantime, I said that I would continue sending information to the email list I’ve built (asking people to let me know if they don’t want to continue to get email from us).

    Next we discussed the formation of a steering committee. I suggested the name of Planning Group, instead of Steering Committee. This was accepted by the group. We reviewed and accepted the following draft that I had proposed for responsibilities of the Planning Group:

    –Commit to serving on this group until enough working committees are set up to provide members as representatives of the committees for a Steering Committee.
    –Read as much as possible about peak oil, climate change, and the solutions out there. Particularly important to read: the Transition Handbook.
    –Commit to meeting at least once per month between regular group meetings, and to planning together via email/phone.
    –Plan the agenda for the regular group meetings.
    –Act as a ‘think tank’ for the group, previewing possible programs and making suggestions concerning programs/projects/positions.
    –Respond to each other in a timely and respectful manner.

    The following members present volunteered to serve on the Planning Group:

    –Julie Covington
    –Vickilynn Haycraft
    –Kate Matthews (will take notes)
    –Velvet Cunningham
    –Susan Broadhead

    The last question we addressed at the meeting was the matter of our name. There was a lot of discussion and a very close vote. The winner: Sustainable Big Ivy!

    We agreed that the Planning Group would talk about the last two items on the agenda and come with some recommendations to the next meeting, which will be held on the third Thursday of September, the 18th, 7 p.m. at the Old Fire Station.

    Please plan to come.


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