Our community is full of crafty, intelligent, talented individuals! Hopefully, through a detailed Skills Directory and increased efforts of getting to know more of our neighbors, we can gain and offer more local support of these skills. Chances are most of us have needs that we’re often traveling far to meet, when perhaps there is a neighbor right here in the Big Ivy community who can help us out, enabling us to keep more of our resources closer to home.

What skills do you have that you would like to offer to our community?

With each skill, please specify your level of experience. For example, I can offer my certified professional accounting services, I am an enthusiastic hobby vegetable gardener, I’ve been spinning wool and knitting for 20 years, etc.

For each skill offered:

What is your rate of pay?

Are you willing to offer slightly lower rates for your community?

Are you interested in bartering?

If so, which skills are you willing to accept barter for?

Are there goods/services that you find yourself regularly in need of that you would like to solicit from your local community members?

What, if any, are some direct barters that you would be interested in?

For example, I would like to offer my accounting services for a hand-made craft and/or homegrown veggies, or I am a web designer in need of some help with light carpentry projects.

Are you interested in teaching a class in any of the skills you possess?

If so, which skill(s) and what is the nature of the class? (series, hands-on, 1 hour, etc.)

How would you prefer to be listed in the Skills Directory and what is your preferred form of contact? (phone, email, snail mail, etc.)

Do you have a website?

Thank you from your Big Ivy Community!


  1. I am a professional potter and typically make tableware such as mugs, plates, bowls, bottles, teapots, and serving dishes. I’m also a decent knitter and sometimes have handmade hats and scarves for sale or trade in the winter. Prices for these goods vary per piece, but some sample prices are $25 for a large mug and $40 for a nice wool hat. I am very willing to offer discounted prices for my local community (usually around 20%), and also very willing to trade. I often find myself in need of someone with woodworking skills ~ for light carpentry in my studio, help with building nice shelves for shows, etc. I also currently need a website. I am also in the market for a studio in Barnardsville at some point (my studio is currently in Asheville), though I realize this probably would not fall into a trade category!

    If I ever move my studio I would be happy to teach clay classes, and at this point would be happy to teach a knitting class if there was interest ~ or to help facilitate a local knitting/crafting group, which is the kind of thing I find very conducive to helping us connect organically with other members of our community.

  2. I was approached yesterday by a resident (not an SBI person at this point I think) about a knitting class. She is interested in learning the skill. I also knit, but haven’t done much of it lately, don’t know whether I’d find/make the time this fall, but it sounds good! I notice that this, as well as sewing, are a couple of the skills that Transition Towns in the UK are promoting/teaching.

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